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Venting: Its Benefits During Struggling Times

During hard times, we often shut people out and keep things bottled up. But this should not be the case, as the tension and stress can build up and may have serious repercussions. It can even cause some mental illnesses such as depression and anxiety...

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Take note of the warning signs, of depression, and its impact...

Depression is a medical condition, not a personal failure. It’s not something you can yourself out of or snap out of. It can be extremely debilitating, making even basic tasks like getting out of bed or taking care of yourself difficult, and it...

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Ways To Cope with Chronic Stress in a Healthy Way

We are all subject to stress. Sometimes it’s the stress of a job, a relationship, or simply life in general. However, and this is critical, chronic stress can be much more severe than that. Chronic stress is a disorder that causes you to feel s...

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